Poll Booth Opens For Bloke Test Round One Final Pairing


Over there, on the right, if this is still the top blog entry, is the voting “widget” to allow you to vote for whomever you feel should be in the final pairing for the first round (“proper”) of the GCC Bloke Test. The two most voted for individuals will go head to head to fill the last place in the semi-final listing, joining Will Smith, Tom Ferry, Pete Slade, Mark Hooson and “Doug Scarney”.

We think we can keep this going until indoor nets start, so apologies if it is dragging on a little.

I can confirm that Judge Wincott will, of course, be handling the GCC bloke’s semis personally as he selects his final two members aiming to beat each other off for the title of “GCC Bloke 2010”.

One response to this post.

  1. Posted by Quiche Grant on August 18, 2010 at 8:05 pm

    This really sticks in the throat-. as a former President of the club I would expect the chance to cast multiple votes as would befit a member of such gravitas. What do you mean have I only got access to one computer? Listen Toby or whoever this is, what this club needs is to score more runs than the opposition. Whilst conceding less runs and takinmg more wickets. See, now it seems a lot clearer doesn’t it?


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